214 John Burke Drive, Porirua
  • https://assets.boxdice.com.au/one-agency/attachments/291/a07/bed.png?7462b6d61260b3154477bbf9ec192ed7 4
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An opportunity not to be missed. A contemporary designed, 185.51sqm dwelling, with BGC Nuline Weatherboard and Hard as Rocks stone veneer cladding to the entrance pillar, oozing street appeal and situated on a well-positioned, brand new 503sqm section in the lastest stage of Aotea. This modern home boasts 4 bedrooms, double garage, separate laundry, open-plan living flowing to outdoor patio, two bathrooms (master with ensuite and walk-in robe) and modern kitchen with scullery. Features include - Braemar gas central heating system - Underfloor heating to the bathrooms - Waterware tapware - Englefield Curved Shower - Gas infinity Hot water - Bosh gas hob with Bosch HBF133BS0A 5 Function Built-in Oven - Silestone benchtop - To include hydroseed lawn, paths, driveway, patio & fencing Titles have now been issued. For more information please go to...
Price Contact Salesperson
Contact John Crocker 3021883566
[email protected]
Paul Charlett 3021485454
[email protected]
Office One Agency Select Realty
7 Hartham Place South, Porirua, 5024, New Zealand